Monday 27 April 2015

9 Questions to ask your-self after opting for a Hair Transplant

Hair transplant can be one of your most life changing decisions. However, in order to ensure a successful transplant, there are a couple of questions that you need to ask yourself. These questions will help you to figure out whether the process of hair restoration is right for you or not.

Question 1) Did your doctor check your hair loss history?

Yes. In order to enjoy a successful hair restoration treatment you first need to ensure that your doctor has aptly checked the history of your hair loss.

Question 2) Did your doctor check your family’s hair loss history?

Family history of hair loss is extremely important as it helps the doctor to determine how aggressive your hair loss issue is.

Question 3) Did the doctor meet your expectations?

Although the entire process of hair restoration is not based on the doctor’s efficiency, (a part of it is dependent on the donor’s hair as well), however, it is still important to ask yourself whether your doctor has ‘actually’ met your expectations.

Question 4) Did the doctor explain you the technical aspects of hair restoration?

While opting for the treatment, it is extremely important for the doctor to explain you the procedure and the technique of hair restoration.

Question 5) Did the doctor explain how much time you will need after the procedure?

This is extremely relevant for your health and also for better growth of your hair. So, your doctor needs to explain this fact right before the surgery.

Question 6) Did your doctor check the donor and recipient area before providing an assessment?

The doctor needs to match the donor and recipient characteristics of hair before giving any random assessment.

Question 7) Did your doctor explain your hair characteristics and the types of results you are likely to avail?  

These factors need to be explained as they play a vital role in determining the final result of the transplant.

Question 8) Did the doctor give you an estimate of the total number of grafts that are needed for the process?

You need to know this as it is one of the most vital sections of the hair transplant.

Question 9) Did you see the past records of the doctor?

There are many doctor clinics to make your pick from. However, you need to check his past records of treatments in order to judge his authenticity. 

Friday 24 April 2015

10 Home Remedies for Dry Hair Treatment

For dry hair treatment it’s not always needed to spend thousands of bugs in hair saloon but you can simply follow these simple steps and have your beautiful curvy hairs back. Some of these tips are as follows:

1. Egg Treatment: Egg is rich resource of protein and lecithin and is known since old times for moisturizing dry hairs. For treating your dry hairs with egg, take 3 eggs and mix them with 2 tablespoon of olive or coconut oil. Apply 1 tablespoon of honey in this mixture and treat your hair scalp with this mixture for 30 minutes and then rinse using shampoo.

2. Hot Oil Treatment:  This is another way to moisture your hair and is being used since time unknown.  Natural oils, such as coconut, olive, castor, almond, lanolin, or corn oil are used in this process. Take 5-6 tablespoon oil in a saucepan and heat it at low fire and apply them carefully all over your hair scalp.

3. Honey Hair Mask: Honey works as moisture trapping ointment for dry hair, keeping them shinny and silky. Apply half cup of honey to freshly washed hair scalp, keep that likewise for 20 to 30 minutes. Afterwards rinse them with lukewarm water.

4. Avocado and Banana Treatment: If your hairs are highly damaged and having split ends and other problems use this as your healing procedure. Mash 1 banana and 1 Avocado together and pour ½ teaspoon of almond oil. Put the mixture on your hair scalp, keep it for 30 or so minutes and then rinse your hairs.

5. Mayonnaise Treatment: It’s a miraculous home technique to cope up with your problem. Massage your hair scalp with ½ cup mayonnaise and leave them for 30 minutes. Rinse your hairs after using lukewarm water.

6. Gelatin Hair Pack: If you want something full of protein, use gelatin. Combine 1 tablespoon of gelatin with 1 cum of warm water, stir till it melts completely. Add vinegar 1 tablespoon and few drops of lavender and other oils. Apply it on your hair scalp.

7. Aloe Vera Moisturizing Treatment: When aloe Vera, coconut oil and yogurt mix in right proportion, it can do miracles for your dry and damaged hairs. dry hair become soft, lustrous, and shiny.

8. Beer Hair Tonic: Use small quantity of bear on already washed and wet hairs, use blower to blow away the smell of beer and your hair will look sleek, smooth and glowing.

9. Essential Oils for Dry Hair: lavender, bay, rosemary, lemon, chamomile, geranium, sandalwood, birch, parsley leaf, rosewood, carrot, palmarosa, and yarrow essential oil are some of the oils that will keep your hair’s moisture intact.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner:  For extra shine use it with warm water and then keep it for 10 or so minutes and then rinse it thoroughly.

For expert advice visit out Clinic at 24 Hair Transplant in Delhi

Wednesday 22 April 2015

An Essential Guide to Hair Transplants

With changing lifestyle of men, some problems are getting on their mind as well. A worst nightmare of them is losing your hairs in early age. A small patch over the head can leave you bewildered for months and there on starts search for remedies. But don’t worry if you are facing such problems because now there are many treatments available that can be used to fight hair loss.

Few points to have in your head before choosing hairtreatment option are given below.

Why are you losing them?

Everything is having a reason behind and so is their behind your hair loss. Have the facts, study them. For example, whether they are because of some hormonal misbalance in your body or any other things. It’s not because you are wearing helmet or because you are having a ponytail but there are some concrete reason behind that hair loss of your so study the facts correctly.

What is the procedure of hair transplant?

The most preferred technique is third generation Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Study about it and be sure that you really want to undergo the procedure. Consult doctors and as there is pain involved in the procedure so be sure that you really want those hairs back on your head.  Everything should be done on the consultation of doctor not on personal experience of any other person.

What will happen after the treatment?

You will experience drastic change in your appearance and that will leave you overjoyed but don’t forget to have the medication properly because every procedure needs the healing time. Give your hair a bit time and precaution when they are healing. Have patience. Mild swelling can be experienced but don’t worry that will disappear soon.

Side effects?

While it’s a very safe procedure but still there could be some side effects of it and one of it is slow recovery of hairs and another is scalp fracture from where the donor hair was taken. Consult with doctors over the side effects and they can be fought upon. All in all it’s a very safe and recommended procedure for the one who really cares about hair loss.

The cost may vary according to where the procedure was undertaken so choose wisely where you want to have the procedure done.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Baldness in Women; can women go bald?

Baldness is a common issue for most men, but with high levels of stress, several hidden health issues and other relevant genetic problems; women too are susceptible to baldness. According to a research, about two thirds of the women living in the UK have experienced severe hair loss issues at some point of time in their lives. Previously, most women have suffered from this issue in silence. However, with the advent of technology, most of them are aware of the necessary evils and are thus looking forward to invest in cosmetic products that can prevent and eliminate the issue of hair loss.

According to a research from a London clinic, about 82 percent of the women have availed hair transplant solutions in the first eight months of the year. This statistics is quite alarming as none of us were aware of such persistent hair loss issues in women. As per the statements of a doctor, the new-age women are much more aware about the problem of hair loss. They look forward to find proper remedies, instead of hushing the matter. The present day women are considerably better informed than men about the persistent issue of hair loss. Due to this reason, they look forward to figure out proper and viable ways to address the issue.

It has been suggested my most doctors that women are addressing this issue even more as they have already damaged their hair with hair extensions. These extensions have put a lot of stress on their existing hair as in some cases glue is used on the hair roots for joining the extensions. This has also starved the normal hair from receiving its own proper set of nutrients. With time, this has led to hair thinning and alopecia problems where the hair does not grow back at all. In some cases, extra styling of hair has also robbed the hair off its necessary ingredients. The constant use of straighteners and dryers has led to the formation of patchiness and bald spots. Thus, in order to address this issue, most women are busy figuring out the proper hair transplant solutions. 

Monday 20 April 2015

Things that you should consider after a Hair Transplant Surgery

After deciding to get a hair transplant surgery done, it is extremely important to have a clear outline about the post operation plan. Yes. Showing off your new set of hair to friends and colleagues can be a great idea. However, in order to ensure consistent hair growth, you need to follow the right plan and proper proceedings.

Begin by taking extra care of your transplanted hair. This can be easily done by avoiding sunlight.  In fact, as your skin becomes highly sensitive due to surgery, it is better to keep it safe from the harmful rays of the sun. This will help in healing your scalp wounds quickly. Better and advanced scalp protection will also help you to enjoy better scalp health.

In this regard, purchasing a hat can be a great idea. A proper and loose fitting hat will be perfect as it won’t scrap your transplanted hair grafts. On top of that, you also won’t have to put on this hat for long. After a couple of weeks, you can always replace your cap with a decent sunscreen that comes with at least SPF 30.

In order to make your transplanted hair heal faster, you will have to allow proper and ample blood flow along your scalp. This can be easily done at night by lifting your head with slightly higher pillows. You can always use your regular pillows. However, for best results, we would recommend you to go for wedge shaped pillows that are specifically designed for ensuring proper blood circulation along your scalp.

While following this regime, also make sure that there is no excess blood flow, as that too, can turn out to be harmful. Take ample rest and avoid getting involved in activities that demand a lot of physical strength and effort. On taking extra pressure, your blood flow can be seriously affected and the transplanted sections can start bleeding.

Besides following the given guidelines, also consult your doctor from time to time. A doctor will guide and assist you with the post transplant hair care. Within a few months you will soon find your transplanted hair as natural as your original hair. 

Saturday 11 April 2015

The Best Hair Transplant Surgery

It is a universal truth that men are more prone to baldness and reclining hair line as compared to women but in recent times it has been observed that many women too are suffering from severe hair loss. Hair loss and baldness can cause trauma and low self-esteem in any human being and in order gain back the self-confidence and look young and vibrant all over again  the best option is a hair transplant surgery. Hair transplant surgery is the only and the best permanent treatment for hair loss.

24hairtransplant are specialists in conducting Hair Transplant surgeries in Delhi. We conduct various types of Hair Transplants, including FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)  and ALOPECIA  and use the most recent instruments and state of art technology. The whole team of doctors at 24hairtransplent are very efficient and skilled and are well versed in using the latest technology and the finest state of art equipment efficiently. We make it a point to keep the whole team updated with the latest techniques and skills.

Cost of hair transplantation

The cost of hair transplantation will depend on the amount of hair that has to be transplanted, the number of grafts, and time taken to end the process. When you some for the consultation the doctor or surgeon will assess your condition and decide how many sittings and time will be needed for the complete procedure. Hair loss does not happen the same way for everyone, so it is vital to understand how far your hair loss has advanced before deciding on a treatment. There is no fixed cost of hair transplantation but the cost of each graft can be discussed.

Why go for hair transplant surgery at 24hairtransplant

One thing to be noted here is that our Hair transplant surgery is an everlasting treatment to your disorder or hair loss. The surgery ensures that the bald parts get follicles to grow again, the transplanted are permanent and shall grow like your normal hair and will never really fall throughout your entire life time if proper care is taken.

The hair transplant surgery is a completely painless procedure where the patient remains conscious all throughout the process as we use only local anaesthesia. The whole environment in the surgery room is always very relaxed and tranquil with melodious tunes playing in the background making it easy and calming for both the patient and the surgeon. The whole procedure can be done in a day, and you can travel or go and join back work the very next day.

There are various hair transplant clinics that have mushroomed all over the city in recent times but it is very essential that your do your research properly and then go for the procedure; you must opt for a hair transplant surgery only when you are completely satisfied with the first consultation and you feel confident and happy.

We at 24hairtransplant over the time we have restored happiness and confidence to hundreds people and made their lives better and more cheerful.